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Network News: Inspectors Archive

Connect with Landowners on

June 1, 2012 at 2:05 PM by certification

The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) has launched a new website to help woodland owners protect and enjoy their woods. Not only is stacked with cords of useful information for landowners, but it provides a new way for you to connect with potential clientele.

The site features a robust forester professional directory that goes beyond the standard “find a forester” approach. serves as a “recommendation engine” by actively presenting information about foresters based on location, certification, services, and expertise.

The tool also gives you a head start on the consultation process. The site is built around the first question that many foresters ask landowners: “What do you want to do with your land?” As landowners engage with the site, they will be able to share their plan with you and give you an advanced glimpse of their goals for their land.

ATFS invites all inspecting foresters to visit and create a forester profile. You can create your profile using a template that allows you to highlight your skills, experience, and services.

What sort of information should I post on my profile?

  • Name and contact information
  • Services you provide
  • Training and qualifications (including your ATFS inspector training!)
  • Certification
  • Service area
  • Education
  • Experience (the focus of your work, years in service, etc.)
  • Success stories from your work with landowners
  • Photo and logo
  • Your website

How will this directory be different from other forester directories? reaches a much wider audience of people with a diverse range of interests. Landowners today are interested in much more than just owning their woods for timber. They value their woods for recreation, because they enjoy the beauty and solitude, and because they want the land to be their legacy. They are concerned with keeping their woods healthy, as well as protecting it from trespassers and pests.

The forester profile on allows you to highlight your services, training, and experience relevant to this diverse audience. It allows landowners to search easily through foresters in their area to find the one who fits their needs and has experience in their interest areas. also allows landowners to recommend foresters on their profiles, similar to the “like” function on Facebook. This recommendation will be valuable as landowners are searching for a forester.

What else will I be able to do on the site?

Foresters will be able to answer questions in the “Ask a Forester” section of Your answers will  also be posted on your profile, providing additional valuable information to landowners on the work that you do and your areas of expertise.

Once invited by a landowner, you will also be able to view the land plan that he/she has developed. This land plan includes  a property map and important features that the landowner has identified, along with the landowner’s goals for the property as well as any actions he/she is undertaking or has completed. All of this information will be helpful as you begin your working relationship with the landowner.

How do I get started?

Create your profile by visiting If you have any questions, contact Caroline Kuebler at



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